Our Vision: Sustainable, equitable, high-quality provision of home and community health services across Aotearoa

Toitū te Waiora (Affiliate)


Toitū te Waiora

Toitū te Waiora is one of six Workforce Development Councils (WDCs), dedicated to improving workforce development in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our mission is to shape our workforce for the present and future by working with industry, Māori communities, and education providers.

We partner with our sectors and industries to identify what skills are needed within our sectors. We then work with our stakeholders to make sure learners are given the skills they need for the workforce, and providers can confidently deliver those skills to learners. We share our insights with the Tertiary Education Commission and advise on the required mix of, and investment in, vocational education and training.

Our work involves developing qualifications, establishing standards, evaluating training provisions, and setting and assisting with capstone assessments. These standards are applied nationwide, regardless of the learning mode — be it on-the-job, in-class, or online.

We work to ensure employers are confident that vocational education graduates have what they need to join the workforce, and that education and training providers are confident their programmes are relevant and industry endorsed. By doing this, learners can trust their qualifications meet employer expectations and national industry standards.

Our mahi builds a workforce that contributes to the prosperity of our nation. A workforce that is the social and economic backbone of our communities. 

Physical Address:

49 Tory Street (ANZ Campus) Tower B PO Box 445 Wellington 6140 

Contact Address:

49 Tory Street (ANZ Campus) Tower B PO Box 445 Wellington 6140 

Contact details:

Telephone: (04) 909 0356

Email: info@toitutewaiora.nz

Website : www.toitutewaiora.nz

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Home & Community Health Association

PO Box 5344

Wellington 6140

Home and Community Health

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