Our Vision: Sustainable, equitable, high-quality provision of home and community health services across Aotearoa

Useful Resources



The Accident Compensation Corporation is the publicly funded New Zealand accident insurance scheme.  Its role is to to prevent injury, make sure people get treatment for injury if it happens, and help people get back to everyday life as soon as possible.


Age Concern
Age Concern New Zealand is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation promoting the quality of life and wellbeing of older people and advocating positive healthy ageing for people of all ages.


Alzheimers NZ
Making life better for all people affected by dementia.


Careerforce /Te Pūkenga ITO

Support workers employed in the home & community sector help people to live in their own homes and maximise their independence. These workers provide a range of support from household management to personal care.

Careerforce offers nationally recognised qualifications and on-the-job training for the home and community support workforce. Whether you are new to the sector or want to explore on-the-job training options, Careerforce can help you find a pathway that works for you.


Carers NZ
Carers NZ is a national peak body supporting family, whanau, and aiga carers. 



How to find a new job or choose a new career. Information about the role of a support worker.


Citizens Advice Bureau 
Local bureaus provide free, impartial and confidential service of information, assistance and referral to people in our communities.


Complaints-  You have a right to safe, quality home support services. Never hesitate to voice concerns or make a complaint about your home support services. Find out about the complaint process and what your options are.



Information about COVID-19 in New Zealand is available on the Info.health website and the Ministry of Health website.


Grey Power
Grey Power is a lobby organisation promoting the welfare and well-being of all those citizens in the 50 plus age group.


Hospice NZ
The aim of Hospice NZ is to help people make the most of their lives; to live every moment in whatever way is important to them. Hospice care has a unique whole person approach – which means physical, spiritual, emotional and social needs are equally important – a multidisciplinary team provides care for the person who is dying and their families and friends, both before and after a death.


Life Changing Careers

Looking for Care and Support Work? Here you'll find information about Careers, Training and links to careers in these rewarding and fulfilling sectors.


Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Workforce matters, Health and Safety, useful employment tools.


Needs Assessment 

If you need help to stay in your home, or long-term care in a rest home or hospital, you can only get government help if you have a needs assessment first. When you get a needs assessment, a Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) team works with you, and your family if appropriate, to work out the care you need. The team may include nurses, social workers or occupational therapists. The aim is to help you stay independent or get the best possible help to maintain your quality of life.


New Zealand Disability Support Network
An association of disability support service providers.


Office for Seniors

Working to improve the lives of older people across New Zealand by providing information, promoting the wellbeing and concerns of older people and increasing awareness of the issues facing our ageing population.


Disabled Persons Assembly (DPA)
DPA is the collective voice of people with disability in New Zealand based on principles of human rights and equal value of life.


Are you looking for home support services, rest homes, retirement housing or private hospitals?  Contact ELDERNET for free, comprehensive, up-to-date, nationwide information.


Health and Disability Commissioner
The Health and Disability Commissioner has the role of promoting and protecting the rights of health and disability services consumers, and facilitating the fair, simple, speedy, and efficient resolution of complaints.


Home support services for older people and others

Older people, those with chronic health conditions, or people with mental health or addiction issues, may be able to get funded support at home.

Ministry of Health
The Ministry provides a range of information about disability services, elder care services, Primary Health Organisations, government strategies and consultations, and much more.


Health Quality and Safety Commission

HQSC was established to ensure all New Zealanders receive the best health and disability care within our available resources. 


Ministry of Social Development
Superannuation, veterans affairs, elder abuse and neglect prevention, assistance with living costs, community services card, disability support services including allowances.  Disability Support Services also falls under the Ministry of Social Development. Disability Support Services


Parkinson's Education - physiotherapy 

A physical therapist, who specialises in Parkinson's shares important techniques to assist with daily living Flyer Parkinson Educational Resource 


Safer Walking- Supporting people who have a risk of going missing

A Safer Walking Partnership Framework has been developed in response to people with cognitive impairments who go missing while out walking. A risk reduction tool has been developed.  For more information go to https://saferwalking.nz/ or contact the Safer Walking team on saferwalking@landsar.org.nz.


SeniorNet gives older adults an opportunity to get onto the Internet, and learn more about new communication and information technology.


Standards NZ
Keep an eye on this website for standards relevant to the home and community health sector, for example, dementia.


Health NZ/Te Whatu Ora  Established on 1 July 2022, Heath NZ/Te Whatu Ora leads the day-to-day running of the health system across New Zealand, with functions delivered at local, district, regional and national levels. It weaves the functions of the 20 former District Health Boards into its regional divisions and district offices, ensuring continuity of services in the health system.

Māori Health

Hauora Maori - Improving the wellbeing being of whanau


Unions – the main unions representing workers in this sector are the Public Service Association, E tu and the NZ Nurses Organisation.


Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Check this website for all land transport rules relevant for providers who transport clients.


Disability Support Services  has replaced Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People.  They are responsible for providing essential disability support to around 50,000 disabled people and their whānau, as well as environmental supports, including equipment and modification services, for approximately 100,000 New Zealanders. 



NZ's primary workplace health and safety regulator, working to lift health and safety performance, supporting New Zealanders to return home from work healthy and safe.

Contact Us

Home & Community Health Association

PO Box 5344

Wellington 6140

Home and Community Health

© 1993 - 2023   |   Home & Community Health Association