Apr 29, 2016
A settlement has been reached that will result in home support workers being paid for their travel time between visits and also receive a standard rate for travel reimbursement. It has also resulted in an independent review of home support services by the Director-General's reference group which has made 15 recommendations. These support more person-centred services, and also what was agreed in the Settlement Agreement: regularisation of the workforce and financial sustainability for the home support sector.
March 2017
Membership Update 24 February 2017
April 2016
1. Report of the Director-General's Reference Group
(February 2016)
1. Provider Teleconference update 12.2.2016
2. MoH February update information providers and funders
4. Union/provider advice for employees
Interim Arrangement Implementation information
1. Interim Arrangement, Ministry of Health/DHB
3. HCHA Webinar presentation 4.6.2015
4. HCHA Question and Answer sheets updated 8/7/15
Settlement Information
1 HCHA Media Release travel-time-sept-2014.pdf
2 Summary of Settlement Home-support-travel-payments-summary.pdf
3 Joint release - employers and providers New-agreement-means-big-changes-for-NZs-fastest-growing-health-sector.doc
Home & Community Health Association
PO Box 5344
Wellington 6140