Our Vision: Sustainable, equitable, high-quality provision of home and community health services across Aotearoa

Forward Care Home Health (Provider)


Forward Care Home Health

Forward Care Home Health Ltd has been locally owned & operated (South Canterbury), for the last 25 years by Rodney & Sharon Morton.

Forward Care has two Registered Nurses and one coordinator, and office hours contact is 8am-5pm Monday to Friday. A Registered Nurse is usually on call for any after hours or urgent contact.

Complex Cares

A registered nurse will visit with you and develop a detailed and individualised care plan with you. This describes service provision and tasks. This care plan is read by support workers and is their guide of tasks support.


This may include but is not limited to: shower assistance and hygiene needs; mobility and transfer assistance; medication supervision; meal and nutrition preparation and oversight; dressing, undressing and grooming assistance

Non-Complex Cares


This generally includes basic household management such as: cleaning floors and vacuuming; laundry tasks; changing and making bed; tidying; cleaning kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

A Registered Nurse Coordinator will visit you to review and update your care plan at least every six months or when your needs change. For those with more complex needs more regular reviews occur.

About Services

  • A Support Plan will be developed, and other people important to you reflect your identified goals.

  • Will be altered as required to reflect any change in support.

  • Will state days and times Support Worker will visit.

  • Will identify a Registered Nurse who will co-ordinate your support.

  • Will reflect target goals.

Covers a wide range of support tasks including: Hygiene assistance (bathing, showering, hair washing). Dressing and undressing support and assistance. Toileting and assistance with hygiene aids/products. Grooming support (Face, teeth, hair, shave). Medication supervision (support with blister pack medications, eye drops). Support hose/TED stocking application.

Holds current Certification to: NZS 8134 - Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard 

Physical Address:

2-124 Hilton Highway

Washdyke 7910


Contact Address:

2-124 Hilton Highway

Washdyke 7910


Contact details:

Telephone: 03 688 1643
Fax: 03 688 1642
Email: office@forwardcare.co.nz
Website : www.aqua-violin-arzj.squarespace.com/

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Home & Community Health Association

PO Box 5344

Wellington 6140

Home and Community Health

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